The Sit-Down Podcast with James Hurt

The Sit-Down Podcast with James Hurt-Heidi Martin, Kim Lake & the Abbey Lincoln Estate

Creative Vocalists and songwriters Heidi Martin and Kim Lake stop by The Sit-Down Podcast to share their latest musings on the craft of songwriting, the mystique surrounding the 'magic' behind a great song, and gaining access to the Abbey Lincoln estate. This one promises to be a thriller with lots of twists and turns relative one of the most under-discussed aspects of creative music-the song as a vehicle for imagination. The time that they spent together dates back to 1993-94 when there were literally thousands of artists across several disciplines descending onto the Metropolis with big visions and a willingness to bring their visions forward. Martin and Lake recount all of the pivotal periods leading up to the discovery of the journals of Abbey and share how they inform future endeavors moving forward relative song structure, imagination, and creative permission. Background music  performed and composed by James Hurt.

© 2025 James Hurt. All rights reserved.

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